Mountain dwarf galago (Paragalago orinus)
Scaling caller |
Social cohesion |
1401 |
Scaling call | Tanzania By A. Perkin |
Advertising call of both males and females. Slowly repeated double units in a series. Sometimes single units and call of variable duration, waxing and waning in pitch and volume. Emphasis on second unit – occasionally three units |
1402 |
Scaling call | Tanzania By A. Perkin |
Advertising call of both males and females. Slowly repeated double units in a series. Sometimes single units and call of variable duration, waxing and waning in pitch and volume. Emphasis on second unit – occasionally three units |
1403 |
Scaling call | Uluguru, Tanzania By A. Perkin |
Advertising call of both males and females. Slowly repeated double units in a series. Sometimes single units and call of variable duration, waxing and waning in pitch and volume. Emphasis on second unit – occasionally three units |
1404 |
Scaling call | Tanzania By A. Perkin |
Advertising call of both males and females. Slowly repeated double units in a series. Sometimes single units and call of variable duration, waxing and waning in pitch and volume. Emphasis on second unit – occasionally three units |
Anxiety and alarm |
1405 |
Grunts and yaps | Tanzania By A. Perkin |
Sharp metallic yaps mixed with low pitched grunts |
1406 |
Tambourine | Tanzania By A. Perkin |
Yaps highly variable. Long sequences of deliberate yaps accelerating to rapid yap series and returning to deliberate yaps again. Chorus over 20 mins. Rapid yaps have undulating quality and yaps can have metallic chipping quality. Yaps can become frantic with tambourine effect (drawn out paroxysm of yapping) between yap sequences |
1407 |
Accelerating chatter | Tanzania By A. Perkin |
1408 |
Accelerating chatter | Uluguru, Tanzania By A. Perkin |
Agonistic contact |
1409 |
Twitters | Uluguru, Tanzania By A. Perkin |
Mugesse forest near Mugesse village, Misuku Hills, North Malawi
Social cohesion |
1411 |
Advertising call | Mugesse Forest, Malawi By S. Bearder |
Advertising call of both males and females: Scaling caller. Double units repeated several times (full/strident or incipient) often answered. Emphasis on first unit |
Anxiety and alarm |
1412 |
Yaps/chips | Mugesse Forest, Malawi By S. Bearder |
Heard on their own as repeated units or in mixed sequences and speeds with other anxiety and alarm calls |
1413 |
Yaps/chips | Mugesse Forest, Malawi By S. Bearder |
Heard on their own as repeated units or in mixed sequences and speeds with other anxiety and alarm calls |
1414 |
Yap grunt and zipping screech | Mugesse Forest, Malawi By S. Bearder |
1415 |
Vibrato zip-screech with yaps | Mugesse Forest, Malawi By Karlsson |
Very common. Often several animals calls from different places |
1416 |
Vibrato zip-screech with yaps | Mugesse Forest, Malawi By S. Bearde |
Very common. Often several animals calls from different places |
1417 |
Descending shrieks | Mugesse Forest, Malawi By S. Bearder |
Descending shrieks (first recorded by Orin Courtenay in 1985 from a distance). Given with yaps/chips. Often preceded by a buzz |
1418 |
Descending shrieks | Mugesse Forest, Malawi By S. Bearder |
Descending shrieks (first recorded by Orin Courtenay in 1985 from a distance). Given with yaps/chips. Often preceded by a buzz |