Thomas M. Butynski (PhD)

Dr Tom Butynski
Thomas M. Butynski (PhD) is an American conservationist and ecologist who has worked in Africa for 53 years (mostly in Botswana, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Equatorial Guinea) and in Saudi Arabia for 3 years. He has about 300 publications, is a member of four IUCN/SSC Specialist Groups (Primates, Antelopes, Afrotheria, Wild Pigs), of the Executive Committee of the IUCN/SSC Section on Great Apes, and of the Nocturnal Primate Research Group at Oxford Brookes University, UK. He has served as Founding Director of the Impenetrable Forest Conservation Project (Uganda), Founding Director of the Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation (Uganda), Director of Zoo Atlanta’s Africa Biodiversity Conservation Program, Director of Conservation International’s Eastern Africa Biodiversity Hotspots Program, Director of the King Khalid Wildlife Research Centre (Saudi Arabia), Director of the Lolldaiga Hills Research Programme, Vice-Chair of the Africa Section of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group, Founding Editor of the journal African Primates, and Senior Editor of Mammals of Africa (6 volumes). At present, he is Co-leader of the Eastern Africa Primate Diversity and Conservation Program.
Curriculum Vitae of Thomas M. Butynski
Publications, Unpublished Reports and Consultancies of Thomas M. Butynski