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Primate Survey Raises Question: Are Uganda’s Northernmost Chimpanzees Vanishing?

By Yvonne de Jong & Tom Butynski
Posted on the National Geographic Explorers Journal on April 15, 2015

The magnificient Otzi Mountains tower over the confluence of the Achwa River and White Nile in northern Uganda. No survey of the primates of the Otzi Mountains has ever been undertaken.

In mid-February 2015—the end of Uganda’s long dry season—we spent four days in the Otzi Mountains on a primate survey. Our main focus was the eastern robust (or common) chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii). We were particularly interested in obtaining information on the status of this population.

Uganda’s Mount Nyeri demarks both the northern limit of Otzi East Central Forest Reserve and the border with South Sudan. (Photograph by Yvonne de Jong & Tom Butynski)

Uganda’s Mount Nyeri demarks both the northern limit of Otzi East Central Forest Reserve and the border with South Sudan. (Photograph by Yvonne de Jong & Tom Butynski)

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